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Check out This CV from Samantha Ingram


Archaeology at UCL Institute of Archaeology

UCL Institute of Archaeology

09/2012 - 05/2013

Samantha Ingram has studied Archaeology at UCL Institute of Archaeology. The dates of these studies are: 09/2012 - 05/2013.

Anthropology MRes at University College London

University College London

09/2007 - 08/2011

Samantha Ingram has studied Anthropology MRes at University College London. The dates of these studies are: 09/2007 - 08/2011.

GCE Advanced Level at North Bridge House Senior Canonbury

North Bridge House Senior Canonbury

09/2000 - 06/2007

Samantha Ingram has studied GCE Advanced Level at North Bridge House Senior Canonbury. The dates of these studies are: 09/2000 - 06/2007.

Work experience

Samantha worked at Wessex Archaeology, Bristol, UK As Heritage Consultant

Wessex Archaeology, Bristol, UK

07/2015 - present

Wessex Archaeology is a leading provider of heritage services to a range of sectors and clients across the UK.
I was working on commercial heritage consultancy projects, undertaking desk based research, heritage planning guidance and conservation policy; assessing impacts to the setting and significance of heritage assets.

Samantha worked at Archaeological Site of Carthage, Tunisia As Junior Archaeologist

Archaeological Site of Carthage, Tunisia

10/2014 - 07/2015

After being in Tunisia's famoust archaeological site for a trainee in 2009 I had the great honor of being able to manage a discrete area of work within restoration of new Thermas discovered in 2014.

Samantha worked at MAC Empúries, Spain As English speaking guide

MAC Empúries, Spain

06/2013 - 10/2014

I spent a year as one of the English guides at Empúries archaeological site located in the mediterranean north coast of Spain. Empúries is the only archaeological site in the Iberian Peninsula where remains a place where the Greek -Emporion colony enclave- with the remains of a Roman city founded in the early 1st century BC on the structures of a Roman military camp installed during the previous century.

Samantha worked at Archaeological Site of Carthage, Tunisia As Archaeology Trainee

Archaeological Site of Carthage, Tunisia

07/2009 - 09/2009

The Traineeship I assisted consisted in field work helping the District of tunis Archaeological staff on the restoration and maintenance work at the Archaeological Site of Carthage , protected by Unesco Heritage Program for Historic Monuments since 1985

Carthage was founded in the 9th century B.C. on the Gulf of Tunis. From the 6th century onwards, it developed into a great trading empire covering much of the Mediterranean and was home to a brilliant civilization. In the course of the long Punic wars, Carthage occupied territories belonging to Rome, which finally destroyed its rival in 146 B.C. A second ? Roman ? Carthage was then established on the ruins of the first.

Language skills

Samantha Language Skills

Samantha Ingram speaks the following languages:


Overall Skills

Samantha Ingram Overall Skills


Analysis & Observance








Professional Skills

I feel the luckiest girl in the earth since my passion has become my major and work. Research: Aproach to the area's background, population, structures and how the landscape may have changed over time.
  • Excavation: Dividing the site in portions of 1 meter square areas. Meticulously excavation until no more cultural material is found. Removing soil with trowels, paintbrushes or dental picks. Photographing and mapping of larger artifacts. Worked with many screened techniques in order to save little pieces from soil removed. Bagging and labeling objects with information on the soil layer from which they came, the excavator's names and site number.
  • Analysis: Objects examination to learn how and when they were made and used.
  • Preservation and consultancy: I have a wide experience managing artifacts from sites all over, in archaeology sites, archaeology offices, museums, and research facilities.
  • Personal Skills

    If I would have to choose 3 Personal Skills I would highlight the following:

    • Organized: I consider organization the basis of any good job. Being organized just requires a little bit of perseverance.
    • Dedicated: I give all my efforts when I am working for a project. It is important to not defeat and always be on steadfast pursuit to our aim.
    • Responsible: Although my versatility I consider myself a very responsive person whatever it is the project I am in charge of.

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    Samantha Ingram

    Location Bristol, England, UK

    Phone number +44 077 0007 0004

    Email samanthaingram4@gmail.com

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